MobX is the new state management library which packs really well with react. Mobx makes things much simpler to redux, which is more famous in react community. I have detailed out the step on how to get started with using mobx and rails 5.

Install react_on_rails gem

To make mobx functional with rails, I had to drop react-rails gem and adopt the react_on_rails gem. Setting it up is cumbersome in the beginning but it pays off well in the long run. React on rails site have a detailed guide on how to setup react_on_rails gem, I’ll just quickly brush them up.

The below lines are just for reference, you can directly download the react-rails-mobx-boilerplate from my GitHub repo and get started.

# adding the gem, add the below line to your gem file
gem 'react_on_rails', '~>6'

# Git commit all your changes and then

# you may need to do git commit again
# below lines will create a sample welcome controller
rails generate react_on_rails:install

# install
bundle && npm install

There are few things to know about react_on_rails gem, which can be confusing for starters like me.

# You expose your react module so that it can be available outside
import ReactOnRails from 'react-on-rails';

# register you component
ReactOnRails.register({ Counter });
# you should also keep in mind that when creating new .jsx files
# you should add its path to webpack.config.js entry hash as
const config = {
  entry: [
    './app/welcome/Counter', // like this

NOTE: Make sure your Node js version is greater than 5, react_on_rails gem has this requirement.

Add Mobx and Mobx React

# After previous step you will have a client folder
# inside that folder edit the package.json and add the below lines to the dependencies list

"mobx-react": "^3.5.6",
"mobx": "^2.5.1"

# If you will want to use decorators with mobx then make your .babelrc file look something like this

  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0", "react"],
  "plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy"]

# I was also required to install
npm install babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy --save-dev

# finally do npm install to install newly added dependencies
npm install

Bring it Up

Now you are all set to bring your system up.

# create all the database if you are using postgresql as database, else skip, you will need to run this step if you use the boilerplate code
rails db:create # use rake db:create in rails 4 or below

# start the server and webpack client for transpilation
foreman start -f


I hope you were successfully able to get your system up and running. If I missed something or you have some doubts, do let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading.